What is TraxPlate™?

TraxPlate is a slip resistant surface applied to both aluminum and steel. TraxPlate provides a highly wear resilient surface with ideal slip resistant characteristics. TraxPlate far exceeds conventional non-slip materials, such as diamond plate, for slip resistance in both wet and dry applications.

Material Description

TraxPlate is a thermally bonded metallic surface that forms a mechanical bind to the base material. The finished surface has a resemblance similar to sandpaper. By varying the application parameters, different surface “roughness” can be achieved. The use of special additives in the bonding material affects the properties of the surface making it harder and more resistant than the base material. Strict quality control measures and automated processing ensure superior performance and consistency.

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TraxPlate may be used to reduce slipping hazards on flooring, ladders, stairways, utility covers, catwalks, and other products exposed to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. The coating can be applied to finished products or raw plate that is then further processed. Because of the high bond strength, TraxPlate holds up to conventional manufacturing processes such as welding, shearing, and forming.



The surface as applied will be the typical color of the material (Le. aluminum or steel).


TraxPlate can be painted to meet the customer’s color requirements using water or oil based paints or epoxies. Note, however, that the application of paint will partially reduce the slip-resistant characteristics of the plate. Coarse or medium texture is recommended for painted finishes.


TraxPlate steel materials can be provided with a hot-dip galvanized finish per ASTM A123. As with all wire spray finishes, care must be taken during the plating process to avoid chemically attacking the bond layer of the surface. Refer to TraxPlate plating guidelines for specifics.
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