Pump Stations and Macerator Vaults

Pump stations are precast concrete structures with built-in mechanical systems to push out stormwater, wastewater, and waste solids when a gravity forced setup is not an option. Depending on the size of the contaminants and debris in the water, pump stations may include a grinder tool to break up the solids. Agencies, developers, and households depend on our pump stations to address water conveyance demands for large and small projects.
Jensen manufactures and builds state of the art pump stations for engineers and contractors working on everything from massive stormwater systems to small residential settings. We handle both drywell and wetwell needs on any scale..

Product availability varies by location. If you need a product immediately, contact us to ensure availability.

If you need modifications to a standard product or a complete custom solution, we will work to accommodate your request in a timely manner. Please provide us with a few details about your project. Contact us now.


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