Walmart Shops at Jensen Infrastructure for Packaged Grinder Vault

Gallup, New Mexico

Everyone shops at Walmart at some time or other. The big box stores serve families across America and hosts millions of shoppers and thousands of employees every day. Inevitably with that many individuals streaming into every available space, Walmart experiences wastewater challenges, including large objects entering its sewer systems. That’s when Walmart shops at Jensen.

After experiencing significant clogging of its wastewater disposal system, Walmart decided to pursue a solution with a Jensen packaged grinder vault system. The superstore was located in Gallup, New Mexico.

“The store needed a plug and play solution to drop in with its existing sewer setup,” says Christopher Purdie, Jensen Water Resources Project Manager. “Our team preassembled a packaged grinder vault system inside a precast concrete unit. The grinder has ‘teeth’ powered by a 5 horsepower motor that grinds up solids to enable pass through within the sewage system.

“You basically drop it in, attach the inlet and outlet pipes, and you’re ready to go.”

Along with the ease of the setup, Jensen packaged grinder vault systems are designed for fast delivery, offloading, and installation at job sites.

If your project calls for a packaged grinder vault system, add one of our products to your quote.

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