How It Works: Biofiltration Systems

The StormVault Biofiltration System is a simple and highly versatile stormwater treatment solution. Through physical and chemical filtration, adsorption, and biological processes, StormVault Biofiltration efficiently removes total suspended solids, metals, nutrients, oil, and grease from stormwater runoff to meet water quality standards as a low impact development best management practice.

Refer to the image above to see how a typical biofiltration components work together to treat stormwater.

  1.  Inlet –  Inlet configurations include grated, piped, direct curb inlet and curb inlet chamber
  2. Internal Bypass Pipe – Conveys excess flow past the treatment chamber. Note: External Bypass configurations available
  3. Mulch Stabilization Layer – Captures large trash and debris, protects media from scour and retains water for vegetation
  4. Engineered Media – Inorganic components remove TSS and metal. Organic components remove nutrients and facilitate biological uptake, which supports plant life
  5. Bridging Stone – Allows for even drainage and protects the effluent pipe from clogging
  6. Perforated Underdrain Pipe – Conveys treated flow to storm drain systems
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