How It Works : Hydrodynamic Separators

With no moving parts, the JDS is a hydrodynamic separator that is able to screen trash and debris, including floatables and both neutrally and negatively buoyant materials, from stormwater runoff without blocking the screen. Built with durable precast concrete, the JDS hydrodynamic separator also captures total suspended solids (TSS), oil, grease, and other total petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants. Captured pollutants are retained without scouring, even under high flow bypass conditions. Capable of treating flows from 0.7 to 72 cubic feet per second, the JDS Hydrodynamic Separator is certified and approved by various agencies. Contact us today to learn more about our hydrodynamic separator offerings.

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How it works

The JDS Hydrodynamic Separator offers a unique non-blocking and non-mechanical screening process with no moving parts and no power requirements.

  1. Stormwater enters the JDS hydrodynamic separator unit from one or more inlet pipes, a grated drop or curb inlet. image shows each step of how a hydrodynamic separator works
  2. Incoming water collects in the forebay of the inlet trough.
  3. Waters enter the separation and screening cylinder through the volute entrance in the diversion weir wall.
  4. Water entering the separation cylinder forms a spinning vortex, capturing all floatables and swirl concentrating suspended solids to the center of the separation chamber of the hydrodynamic separator.
  5. The vortex flow pattern produces a washing force across the screen face, preventing it from becoming blocked while allowing stormwater to pass through the screen and flow beneath the oil baffle.
  6. Oils, greases and other Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) are trapped within the integral oil baffle attached beneath the inlet bay of the separator.
  7. Settled and swirl concentrated suspended solids are captured in the sump which is typically cleaned out by a vactor truck.
  8. Flows larger than the JDS hydrodynamic separator unit’s design treatment flow bypass over the diversion weir. Bypass flows do not scour out previously captured pollutants.
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